Often times, trainees and fitness enthusiasts get caught up with injuries, due to poor exercise choice and execution. Overhead pressing movements are the most common cause of shoulder joint injuries, as these movements allow us to go heavier, using the shoulders and its synergists- The triceps and upper portion of the chest.
Day: September 9, 2018
Diced Deltoids Workout
In this article, we will show you a shoulder workout, which is designed specifically for the shredding phase. What this means is that this workout will NOT be your best pick if you want to BUILD and stack on muscle mass in your shoulders.
Lateral-Focused Shoulder Workout
As we mentioned in our 3D Delts Workout, the most commonly lacking part of the shoulder musculature, for a lot of trainees, is the side head, which gives that popping, wide look of the shoulder line.
3D Delts Workout
As one of the relatively small muscle groups, the shoulders are considered a staple in aesthetic physical development, as they are one of the components of your musculature, which may make you or break you.