As a woman, you probably do know that you tend to have many factors working against you when it comes to controlling weight. Medications, depression, child birth, and menopause are all factors that can unfortunately lead to a lot of weight gain.But, that isn’t the worst part: women tend to gain weight in their thighs, hips, and breasts, while in men majority of the weight gained is only in the abdominal region.
This is what makes it imperative to follow a good diet plan to help lose weight, but of course, with the plethora of diet plans available, choosing one that best suits your needs can get tricky. In fact, the best diet plan is usually hidden among all the false promises and miracle diet plans that never work. That’s why in today’s article, we will be discussing some of the best and most effective diet plans for women that actually work:
Tips to Keep in Mind
When following a diet plan you should always remember to:
- Stick to the diet no matter what
- Avoid junk food at all costs
- Drink plenty of water
- Never skip breakfast
HMR Diet
The HMR, short for Health Management Resources is more than just a diet plan, it’s actually a lifestyle that allows women to lose weight and keep it off permanently. The theory behind the diet is to increase personal accountability, physical activity and decrease overall their calorie intake, which results in a caloric deficit helping you to shred countless layers of fat.
The diet plan is generally divided into two phases: The Quick Start Phase and Maintenance Phase.
The first phase lasts for three weeks and tends to boost weight loss efforts through meal replacements, such as multigrain hot cereal and low-calorie nutrition bars, meals, and shakes.
Once you have reached your desired weight you move on to the second phase, which is about incorporating other healthy foods option into the HMR diet plan and making lifestyle changes, such as exercising and following telephone coaching sessions, which the HMR program offers.
The Atkins Diet
The Atkins diet was introduced by Dr. Robert Atkins more than 20 years ago, which still exists as one of the best low-carb diet plans in the world. The diet proves to be incredibly useful in losing weight quickly, while still allowing you to eat all the fats, dairy products, meat and eggs you want. However, in order for the diet plan to work effectively, you must include lots of servings of whole grains in your diet.
Regardless, the theory of the diet plan is to eat lots of fibers. This is because fiber contains zero calories and is the indigestible component of carbohydrate. Therefore, these high-fiber carbohydrates add texture, bulk and chewing satisfaction, thus allowing you to feel full longer without having to consume lots of calories.
The South Beach Diet
Dr. Arthur Agatson introduced a very well-known weight loss diet plan, the South Beach Diet, which helps people lose weight and maintain a healthy lifestyle at the same time. The theory behind this diet plan is to eliminate any and all types of fats or carbohydrates that can potentially cause or lead to weight gain. The diet mainly distinguishes ‘healthy fats’ from unhealthy ones and ‘good’ carbohydrates from ‘bad’ carbohydrates.
Therefore the diet helps cutting all the bad and unhealthy carbs and fats, helping your body to lower its insulin and cholesterol levels, which ultimately lead to weight loss. The diet generally consists of three phases, which initially begins to restrict certain foods to help lose weight and then restore them into your diet to maintain the weight lost.
However, the only pitfall of this diet plan is that it may be a good way to boost weight loss initially, but if you don’t stick with it you may face a hard time keeping it off.
The Raw Food Diet
As the name implies, the diet plan generally focuses on raw foods and is perfect for women looking to support the environment, shed some pounds and improve their overall health. The theory behind the diet plan is to eat lots of veggies and fruits and completely eliminate any food that has been genetically engineered, irradiated, microwaved, processed or cooked.
Experts believe this plan is one of the very few programs that guarantees weight loss because those who follow it only eat half the calories they would usually consume in a regular day on a diet that included processed and cooked foods. Many of the recipes require the use of a blender, juicer and/or a dehydrator. Therefore, the whole preparation process is a type of exercise as well.
The Biggest Loser Diet
As you might have guessed, this new diet plan is inspired by the success stories from the popular television show, ‘The Biggest Loser’. The main aim behind the plan is to introduce 6 weeks of regular exercise and healthy food in order to prevent diseases and promote weight loss.
The basics include performing exercises, keeping a food journal, choosing lean protein sources over red meat, and eating lots of veggies and fruits. Regular jogging and walking with a couple of muscle-strengthening activities go a long way in boosting weight loss efforts in this diet plan.
So, now that you are familiar with the best diet plans mentioned above, choosing one that best suits your needs hopefully won’t be a problem.
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