If you’re looking to burn those extra couple of kilograms and finally achieve the so-desired flat, toned tummy, we have the right workout schemes for you.
We are going to show you yet another quick, circuit fat burning workout with two variations.
It is recommended that you alternate between Workout A and Workout B, in order to bring variety to your workouts.
So, let’s get to the practical side without excessive fluff talk!
Warm up
Make sure to prepare your body for each respective workout, by going through a 15-minute warm up that includes a warm up for all joints and muscles, plus a brief 5 minutes of low intensity cardio to get the blood going and break a little sweat, before starting the essential part of the workout.
Workout scheme
Workout A
Exercises | Sets | Repetitions |
Push-ups | 4 | 8-10 |
Lat pull-downs | 3 | 15,12,12 |
Dumbbell lateral raises | 3 | 12 |
Concentrated curl | 3 | 12 |
Dumbbell triceps kickback | 3 | 12 |
Jump squats | 4 | 15 |
Standing calf raises | 5 | 15 |
Workout B
Exercise map

- Get into a push up position, placing your hands on the ground, wider than shoulder width
- Look forward, keep body and legs straight
- Go down slowly, until you slightly touch the ground
- Push up explosively, without locking out the elbow
Lat pull-downs

- Grab the bar as wide as possible
- Sit down and tuck your legs under the pads
- Lean back a bit and tense the back muscles
- Pull the bar down to the lower portion of your chest
- Contract the back musculature and hold briefly
- Let the bar go up to the original position, stretch the back and proceed to next rep
Dumbbell lateral raises

- Grab the dumbbells, stand up stably and keep them by your sides
- Bend elbows slightly and keep arms in that static position
- Look forward and raise the dumbbells laterally, contracting the deltoids
- Let the dumbbells down slowly
Concentrated curl

- Sit down on the side of a bench
- Grab the dumbbell and place your elbow on the inner part of your leg, so that the arm is static
- Curl the dumbbell up, contracting the biceps- Supinate the wrist.
- Let the dumbbell down slowly, stretch the biceps and proceed to the next repetition
Dumbbell triceps kickback

- Grab the dumbbell with one hand, step forward with the opposite leg
- Place your opposite arm on the leg for balance and lean forward
- Lift the working arm so that the upper arm is parallel to the ground
- Extend through the elbow, contracting the triceps musculature
- Let the dumbbell return to its original position
Jump squats

- Step with your feet at shoulder width
- Open toes up slightly so that they are not pointing straight forward
- Squat down slowly, until your legs are parallel to the ground or lower
- Squat and jump up explosively in a controlled manner
- Land on toes before hitting the ground with your heel and doing the next squat
Standing calf raises

- Step with your toes on the edge of a staircase
- Hold on to something for balance
- Go down, stretching the calves
- Push up through your toes, contracting the calves
- After holding the contraction briefly, go down again
Workout B
Body-weight squats

- Step with your feet at shoulder width and toes pointing out slightly
- Keep body straight and raise your arms
- Look forward and squat down, until legs are parallel to the ground
- Move up explosively, without locking out the knees
One leg pistol squat with support

- Step on one leg and hold on to something for support
- Keep body straight and squat all the way down, extending the opposite leg forward
- Push up through your heel, avoid locking out the knee
Incline push press

- Place arms on an elevated surface at shoulder width and keep body straight
- Move down, until you slightly touch the surface with your chest
- Push up explosively, without locking out the elbows
Chin up

- Grab the bar with an underhand grip at shoulder width
- Hang freely, keep feet close
- Look up and pull yourself up explosively, until your chin reaches the bar
- Go down slowly, stretching the back
Note – Optionally, if you don’t have the strength yet, you can use the support of a resistance band- Tie it around the bar so that it is between your hands when you hang. Place your leg in the hoop at the bottom of the resistance band, so that it stretches when you go down and pushes (assists) you on the way up.
Standing dumbbell hammer curl

- Grab the dumbbells and keep them by your sides, so that their sides are looking forward
- Keep body straight and feet stable
- Keep upper arm at a 90-degree angle
- Curl up, contracting the forearms, biceps and brachialis (the muscle between the biceps and the triceps)
Bench triceps dip

- Place your arms on the side of a bench and step forward, allowing your arms to support your body
- Look up and let your body go down
- Push up, contracting the triceps with a careful elbow lockout
One arm standing dumbbell shoulder press

- Stand up straight with your feet at shoulder width, keeping a stable position
- Grab the dumbbell and place the opposite arm on your hip for more balance
- Keep back straight and head looking forward
- Raise the dumbbell to a shoulder press position where the arm is at a 90-degree angle
- Push the dumbbell up slowly, contracting the shoulder
- Let the dumbbell down to the original position slowly
#1 Push. But not too much
If on some of the exercises, you are unable to complete the given numbers of sets and reps, take it easy. Start from a lower, more bearable number and work your way up, without forcing the body too much.
#2 Prioritize
Expose your weak points and put them at the beginning of each workout. So, if on Workout A, you feel like your upper body strength is greater, compared to your lower body, do the lower body exercises first.
#3 Recover
Give yourself enough rest between workouts. That is usually 24 to 48 hours, depending on how much you pushed yourself during the last workout. Feel the point, at which you are optimally recovered and ready for another training session.
In-between the workouts, make sure to provide your body with the much-needed nutrient dense foods and enough sleep.
Whether you are busy or are just looking for an effective training scheme, that will help you lose weight, this is something definitely worth the shot.
The workout offers a very dense training load, that will surely put the body through a challenge and help it burn more calories.
There is also an accent on concentrated movements, that will help further shape up the musculature and in turn, account for a better, more athletic overall look.